Last night we went to a new cafe in Kampar which is located just beside Waiting You Cafe. The new cafe named See U Cafe which is just exactly the opposite meaning of Waiting You Cafe. =.=||| The food offered there not very nice actually but still can satisfy our appetite. The price of the food there is slightly a bit too much for students. So, this cafe is just recommended for student to visit once a while. However, if you're willing to pay, there's no one will prevent you from going tho. Rating: 3/5
Chinese Tea RM0.40
Nice to see but not very nice to drink.
Chong Fa Fried Rice. Taken by Black. Overall it's quite okay. However, Black is used to 'heavy taste' food. Therefore, he said it's not nice cause not enough taste. lol...
This is Fried Mee, which is taken by Ben's girlfriend. No comment. Ben's comment is the mee look ugly.
This is chicken sambal rice. Not nice among all the food we have ordered. It doesn't taste spicy as normal sambal did. In fact, it taste sweet and sour more than spicy. =.=||| Failure.
French Fries.
Last but not least, this is what Ben ordered. Don't what what chicken rice.