Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Colosseum Android Game

Colosseum Android
Hey, guys.
Wanna recommend one pretty cool game to all of Android users out there. (available for iPhone too)
I purchased this game as well with a pretty low price for a nice graphic game like this one.
It just costed me RM2.98 and it gave me quite a lot of fun.
This game named Colosseum created by one of a very famous android game developer, Gamevil.
This is a whack and slash platform game with a lot of weapons and some armors.
Some weapons have magical power as well such as freezing target and add some burning effects.
Power ups also can be collected through out the game to strengthen yourselves for that stage.
This game is pretty simple to play seriously. Saw anything that move just whack them off with the weapons of your choice.

Gameplay is okok. It's fun but doesn't last long.
The game turns to become repetitive after stage 10 onward.
As for a RM2.98 game, the graphic and game feature really worth it.
But the gameplay doesn't quite worth it.
After you get all the weapons and the upgrades, everything seem to become repetitive.
The only thing that is different is the monster's difficulty between stages.

Equipments shop.
As you can see, the equipment shop really interesting and tempting with all the equipments you can purchase to strengthen yourself.

The first 10stages will be like this. (if I'm not mistaken about the stage.)
Stage 1-10 you will be whacking orcs here. Both melee and range monster will be attacking you.

Level 11 onward will be like this.
After whacking orcs, next will be skeletons in graveyard.
I'm at stage 22 now and the map and monster still the same.
But some elemental monsters like a skeleton shaman appear around stage 20 I guess.
Nothing much different from stage 15 to now.. Monster difficulty changes. That's all.

For those who love to collect nice graphic game, RM2.98 will be worth.
If not, I suggest you to skip it. YOU WILL GET BORED TO IT VERY SOON.

Scan this to proceed to download link.
Link to the game: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.Cocosoft.Colosseum

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