It's something unusual to see a guy camwhoring. Sometime, it makes me felt one kind. =.=||| This is avivi, my housemate who is living in A/3 1592. He's snapping some photos for his assignment on Introduction to Advertising. I'm the camera man for him. He indeed did a lot of stupid acts. But the process is quite funny. ^^ Some photos look damn hilarious. You guys might wanted to see it as well. Here, I'm sharing them with you all.
Try to enlarge the picture. He looks like doing a blowjob. XD
Avivi trying to swallow the big stick. Which he will never can.
The next Hitler in Malaysia~ lol....
The lousy camera man, me. =.=||| Anyway, I done my job and it's settled. XD
OMG!!!!!!!!! d pics r so pervert!!! including ur seductive face calvin XXD